
Flex Wheeler interviews Desmond Miller - 2006 Nationals Over

Flex Wheeler interviews Desmond Miller Saturday morning before his Nationals Overall Win. Flex gets down and dirty with Desmond with some hard questions and a bit of gratuitous posing. You hve to check out the detail Desmond is holding before that evening's finals Guest appearances by JM Manion, Heinz Senior of Iron People Gym and Dave Palumbo. Dave interviews Desmond for a bit at People's Gym in between photo shoots with Per Bernal.

Evan Centopani at 2006 Nationals

Evan Centopani 5 Days Out from the NPC Nationals

Ronnie Coleman

Jay Cutler Training Video

Ronnie Coleman Training Video

Ronnie Coleman training video from the early days part 5

2006 Mr. Olympia - Jay Cutler Vs Ronnie Coleman

Flex Wheeler vs Ronnie Coleman

Final do Olympia 1999, resultado bastante controverso dando vitória para o Big Ron.